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Release Notes

11 September 2024 - Version 1.7.10

Highlight: 🚀 New EXTRUDE Filter!


  • Extrude Filter is a new component to apply a perspective depth effect.



  • The Motion Blur effect has a new option Lerp UV which allows interpolation of texture coordinates to be disabled which prevents incorrect characters appearing when animating the text content.
  • The feature to bake filters into an Image component has been improved and released out of beta.
  • The feature to save filters to PNG image file has been improved and released out of beta.


  • Fixed minor regression in 1.7.9 that prevented the About & Help button appearing in some components.
3 September 2024 - Version 1.7.9

Highlight: 🚀 New GLOW Filter!


  • Glow Filter is a new component to easily add beautiful glow effects to your UI.
  • Mipmap Filter is a new filter used to improve the rendering quality and reduce aliasing flickering of UI elements that are scaled down or rendered at steep angles.
  • Added a handy new "Upgrade" button if the UIFX Bundle is not detected.


  • Frame Filter now has new absolute pixel modes Pixels and CustomPixels for rounded corner size allowing for consistently sized corners.
  • Trail Effect and Motion Blur components for TextMeshPro now have a new enum TargetMesh that can give better support for rendering when another plugin is modifying the TextMeshPro geometry.
  • Various minor code improvements.
14 August 2024 - Version 1.7.8

Highlight: 🚀 Lots of Improvements for TextMeshPro Support!


  • Added TextMeshPro and VertexSkew demo scenes.


  • Optimised FilterStackTextMeshPro to no longer render invisible filters to TextMeshPro (eg if Strength <= 0.0 or other parameters result in no rendering).
  • Optimised FilterStackTextMeshPro to reduce the number of RenderTextures in some cases.
  • FilterStackTextMeshPro editor on newer Unity versions now shows our custom Reorderablelist.
  • FilterStackTextMeshPro editor + button now shows list of filters.


  • Fixed bug where disabling TextmeshPro didn't stop FilterStackTextMeshPro rendering.
  • Fixed bug in FilterStackTextMeshPro when using "in-context" prefab editor and nothing would render.
  • Fixed FilterStackTextMeshPro editor where in older Unity versions empty filter slots woudln't be cleared cleanly.
  • Fixed a regression in FilterStackTextMeshPro editor where the filter list item selection was broken.
  • Fixed bug where scaling the font too small would cause error due to texture size of 0.0 in the Blur Filter, Outline Filter, Long Shadow Filter and Drop Shadow Filter.
4 August 2024 - Version 1.7.7

Highlight: 🚀 New Outline & Drop Shadow Properties!


  • Added new Softness property to Outline Filter in Distance mode.
  • Added new Cutout compositing mode to Drop Shadow Filter.
  • FilterStackTextMeshPro now has toggle for quickly enabling/disabling filters and delayed attribute for font relative size.
  • FilterStackTextMeshPro has reduced memory usage in cases where second RenderTexture is not needed.


  • Fixed bug in Trail Effect where it wouldn't render with newer versions of TextMeshPro.
  • Fixed Reset() and OnValidate() sometimes not updating the rendering due frame caching optimisation.
28 July 2024 - Version 1.7.6

Highlight: 🚀 Frame Borders & More!



  • Frame Filter padding can now be negative. For Circle shapes padding can become zero and for Square the value will allow as tight as possible.


  • Changed Frame Filter round corner values are now relative instead of absolute pixels.
  • Changed Frame Filter to have enum of preset round corner modes.


  • Fixed Frame Filter cropping render bug.
  • Fixed Trail Effect logging errors when Canvas was disabled.
  • Fixed all effects and filters not restoring rendering when Canvas was disabled initially and then enabled.
18 July 2024 - Version 1.7.5

Highlight: 🚀 2 New Components!


  • Frame Filter is a new filter component for easily adding a framed outline to UI components. It supports automatic resizing to fit content, padding, different shapes, anti-aliased rendering, and rounded corners.
  • Text Letter Spacing is a new component that allows letter spacing of the Text component. It supports multiple lines, rich-text and spaces.


  • Filter Stack TextMeshPro has many quality of life improvements.
  • All UIFX filters now have helpful warning messages and solution buttons when used with TextMeshPro but without a FilterStackTextMeshPro component.
  • Added new UpdateOnTransform property to FilterStackTextMeshPro to prevent re-rendering caused by transforms which improves performance if you don't require re-rendering.


  • Changed TextMeshPro support to now read in vertices from the meshInfo.mesh instead of meshInfo.vertices which seems to work better with many other plugins that transform vertex positions.


  • Fixed bug with in-context Prefab Mode where UIFX filters wouldn't render.
1 July 2024 - Version 1.7.4

Highlight: 🚀 Major Blur Filter Update!

Breaking Changes

  • The blur algorithm has changed slightly so any existing blurs in your project will be roughly half the size. To fix this your existing Blur property values for Blur Filter, Drop Shadow Filter, Outline Filter and Gooey Filter should be doubled.


  • Blur Filter now has multiple blur modes - added Box and Gaussian blur algorithms. The default algorithm remains unchanged and is now exposed as MultiBox. See updated documentation for details.
  • Added new AllDemos scene so all demo scenes can be easily browsed.


  • Major performance improvements to Blur Filter for large blur radius.


  • MultiBox blur changed from 3 to 2 passes resulting in a performance increase. This affects all filter components that use blurs internally.
  • Gooey Filter now runs at half resolution resulting in a performance increase.
  • Filter Stack TextMeshPro now renders to a non-floating point texture format on Mobile devices resulting in a performance increase.
  • Demo scenes refactored and now use Prefabs.
  • Some refactoring and general code improvements


  • Fixed bug in Vertex Skew component where removing the component wouldn't update the vertices.
  • Fixed bug in Filter Stack TextMeshPro where it didn't render correctly when vertex alpha was used in Blur Filter.
16 June 2024 - Version 1.7.3


  • Optimised shader ErodeDilate and DistanceMap shaders to have fewer variations (less memory, faster compile).
  • Added optimisation to call GenerateScreenRect() less often.
  • Removed some unnecessary GetComponent() calls.
  • Changed to more correct method to get parent Canvas.


  • Fixed Filter Stack TextMeshPro component support for submeshes and fallback fonts.
  • Fixed compiler errors in Trail Effect and Motion Blur components when using "preview" versions of TextMeshPro which changed uvs0 from Vector2 to Vector4.
6 June 2024 - Version 1.7.2


31 May 2024 - Version 1.7.1




24 May 2024 - Version 1.7.0


  • New UIFX - Dissolve Filter added to the UIFX bundle. This is a beta feature and must be enabled in UIFX preferences.


  • Added "Convert To Image" button to automatically bake all the filters into a texture and replace them with a RawImage component. This is a beta feature and must be enabled in UIFX preferences.


  • Fixed some compiler warnings.
10 May 2024 - Version 1.6.9



  • Added support for Canvas.vertexColorAlwaysGammaSpace for TextMeshPro rendering
  • Added support for TextMeshPro.tintAllSprites for TextMeshPro rendering


3 May 2024 - Version 1.6.8


  • Fixed incorrect rendering of filters when Graphic has user defined material
  • Fixed bug where Prefab view wouldn't render filters due to null Canvas
  • Fixed bug where changing hierarchy could use incorrect Canvas in filters
  • Fixed bug where undo could cause null exception in filters
  • Fixed Long Shadow and Outline Filter rendering artefacts when the Graphic had pixels on the edge of the RectTransform
30 April 2024 - Version 1.6.6



  • Fixed rare bug in filter rendering logic, where mid-frame dynamic font texture update would cause mesh regeneration, which would cause incorrect rendering due to optimisation that prevented multiple renders per-frame
24 April 2024 - Version 1.6.4


  • Added missing UIFX - Vertex Skew effect to the package
  • UIFX - Blur Filter Global Strength property now updates in edit-mode and has a new public method for access via Unity's event system "dynamic float"
  • UIFX - Long Shadow Filter has new Step Size property
  • UIFX - Gooey Filter improved rendering for images
  • Text Mesh Pro text rendering is now pixel perfect in orthographic camera mode
  • Some minor script optimisations


  • Fixed Blur Filter radius being too small in some cases
  • Fixed Text Mesh Pro sprite rendering blend mode
20 April 2024 - Version 1.6.2


  • Clearer TextMeshPro filter rendering
  • All Strength property sliders improved to change color when activated
  • Shader code cleaned up
  • Tested with SoftMaskForUGUI


  • Fixed support for Mask/RectMask in all filters
  • Fixed TextMeshPro Drop Shadow edge artifact
  • Fixed null exception when adding filter to GameObject without Graphic component
16 April 2024 - Version 1.6.0


  • Massive performance improvements across all filters
  • High performance of Outline Filter even at large sizes
  • Many TextMeshPro issues fixed and improvements


  • Eliminated redundant per-frame filter rendering
  • Added per-platform performance settings to allow lower pecision and downsampling to be used on some platforms
  • Outline Filter has a new rendering method DistanceMap which is much faster than the old method, especially for large outline sizes
  • Blur, Drop Shadow, Outline performance improved due to smaller area processed
  • All property changes are now checked for changes and only trigger minimal rendering
  • Editor preview no longer renders every frame, now only when rendering changes


  • FilterStackTextMeshPro now ignores empty placeholder vertices and updates whenever camera/transform changes and has a handy dropdown of the filter list to make adding filters easier
  • Outline Filter has new DistanceShape mode Diamond
  • More accurate projection matrix region calculations
  • World-space canvas support improved
  • Added support for SVGImage (part of com.unity.vectorgraphics) component and other UI components that have Graphic.useLegacyMeshGeneration enabled



  • Fixed TMP sprite rendering material
  • Fixed TMP rendering blurry due to not setting the ScreenParams
  • Fixed issue when no World Space camera was assigned, no defaults to Camera.main
  • ZTest shader mode now set via variable so Unity rendering can control it - previously was forcing ALWAYS
4 April 2024 - Version 1.5.6


  • TextMeshPro is now supported by all filter effects!!
  • Filters (Blur, Outline, Drop Shadow etc) now support TextMeshPro through the new component UIFX - TextMeshPro Filters. This component also alows easy filter reordering and supports TMP sprites and underlines.
  • New project preferences menu exposes plugin options
  • New component UIFX - TextMeshPro Mesh Modifier allows standard IMeshModifier effects to be applied to TextMeshPro - including the UIFX - Vertex Skew effect
30 March 2024 - Version 1.5.4


  • Optimised Drop Shadow and Long Shadow filters to use less GPU memory and bandwidth
  • Some minor general code improvements


  • Fixed issue where filter wouldn't run when textures were too large, maximum texture size is now limited
  • Fixed bug where resolution-indepdenent scale would be calculated incorrectly sometimes
  • Fixed bug where enum property sometimes wouldn't be saved correctly
  • Fixed bug where changing the transform wouldn't cause the filter to re-render
19 March 2024 - Version 1.5.2

Bundle Changes

  • A new component UIFX - Vertex Skew has been added to the bundle


  • Added stereo render (VR) support thanks to PedroB.
  • Added new feature to preview filter in the Inspector and option to export to PNG image
  • Added new API method FilterBase.SaveToPNG() in to write filter output to PNG
  • Added new API method FilterBase.ResolveToTexture() to resolve filter output to RenderTexture
5 March 2024 - Version 1.5.0

Bundle Changes

  • A new asset UIFX - Outline Filter version 1.0.0 has been added to the bundle
  • A new asset UIFX - Gooey Filter version 1.0.0 has been added to the bundle
28 February 2024 - Version 1.4.0

Bundle Changes

  • A new asset UIFX - Long Shadow Filter version 1.0.0 has been added to the bundle
24 February 2024 - Version 1.3.0

Bundle Changes

  • A new asset UIFX - Drop Shadow Filter version 1.0.0 has been added to the bundle
  • UIFX - Blur Filter updated to version 1.0.6

Breaking Changes

  • UIFX - Blur Filter The scale of the blur radius has changed so all blur radius values will need to be adjusted to pixels. This is because we have improved the resolution-independent calculation and made the blur radius scale more intuitive. The radius is now in pixels relative to 1080p resolution.


  • UIFX - Blur Filter Major refactoring to clean up thes code
17 January 2024 - Version 1.2.0
  • All UIFX components now included in this asset package. This makes it easier to use all of the UIFX components, however the individual components can still be downloaded separately if required.
17 January 2024 - Version 1.1.9
  • UIFX - Motion Blur updated to version 1.2.3
9 January 2024 - Version 1.1.8
  • UIFX - Motion Blur updated to version 1.2.2
6 January 2024 - Version 1.1.7
  • UIFX - Blur Filter updated to version 1.0.5
4 January 2024 - Version 1.1.6
  • UIFX - Trail Effect updated to version 1.1.2
  • UIFX - Motion Blur updated to version 1.2.1
3 January 2024 - Version 1.1.5
  • UIFX - Blur Filter updated to version 1.0.4
29 December 2023 - Version 1.1.4
  • UIFX - Blur Filter updated to version 1.0.2
22 December 2023 - Version 1.1.3
  • The new asset UIFX - Blur Filter version 1.0.0 has been added to the bundle
16 December 2023 - Version 1.1.2
  • UIFX - Motion Blur updated to version 1.2.0
6 December 2023 - Version 1.1.1
  • UIFX - Motion Blur updated to version 1.1.1
  • UIFX - Trail Effect updated to version 1.1.1
24 November 2023 - Version 1.0.0
  • First release