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Extrude Filter Component

Component Screenshot


This component adds a extrusion effect to the UI object it is applied to.

WebGL Demo


Component Screenshot

Property                            Type    Range    DefaultDescription
    ProjectionEnumPerspectiveWhich projection method to use. Options are:
Perspective - Gives a perspective illusion of 3D depth by extruding towards a focal point.
Orthographic - The extrusion is based only on an angle and direction. This option is less computationally expensive than Perspective.
    AngleFloat[0..360]135.0The angle of extrusion in degrees. In Perspective projection mode this indicates the angle to the focal point from the center of the source Graphic.
    Perspective DistanceFloat[0..512]0.0In Perspective projection mode this indicates the distance along the angle to the focal point from the center of the source Graphic.
    DistanceFloat[0..512]32.0The length in pixels of the extruson. In Perspective projection mode it doesn't correspond directly to pixels but is still approxiamtely proportional.
    ModeEnumBi ColorThe method to use to fill the extruion with color. Options are:
Color - Fill with a single color.
Bi Color - Fill with a color interpolated between two colors based on the distance along the extrusion.
Gradient - Fill with a Gradient based on the distance along the extrusion.
Texture - Fill with a 2D horizontal gradient texture based on the distance long the extrusion.
    ColorColorGreyThe main color to fill with.
    Back ColorColorClearThe second color to fill with in Bi Color mode.
    Scroll SpeedFloat[-inf..inf]0.0The speed at which to animate the fill mode.
    ReverseBoolFalseIn Bi Color, Gradient and Texture fill modes, this creates reverses the gradient.
    Blend ModeEnumMultiplyThe color blending mode to use for blending the fill mode with the source Graphic colors. Options are:
.• Replace - Ignore the source Graphic color and just use the fill color.
Multiply Multiply the source Graphic color by the fill color.
    Source AlphaFloat[0..1]1.0Fades the source Graphic.
    Composite ModeEnumNormalWhich mode to use when compositing the extrusion. Options are:
Normal - Extrusion is composited behind the source graphic.
Cutout - Extrusion is rendered with the source graphic cut out from it.
Shadow - Only the extrusion is rendered.
    StrengthFloat[0..1]1.0Strength of the effect.
    Render SpaceEnumCanvasWhich coordinate system use when rendering this filter. Options are:
Canvas: Render the filter before any transforms (scale/rotation/translation etc) are applied.
Screen: Render the filter after transforms have been applied. Read more about this property here.


Add this component to any GameObject that contains a UI Graphic component (eg Text, Image, RawImage, etc). The object will now render with an extrusion effect.

Usage with TextMeshPro

To use this filter effect with TextMeshPro use the Filter Stack (TextMeshPro) component.

Render Space

The RenderSpace property effectively controls whether the Graphic filter is applied before or after the Transform is applied. There are two options:

  • Canvas - This is the default mode for all filters. In this mode the filter is rendered to the Graphic before it is transformed into screen-space by the local Transform and by the Canvas. This means that any changes or animations to the transform (or it's parents) will not cause the filter to re-render (unless Canvas has per-pixel mode enabled), which is a performance benefit! This also means that when the Graphic is rotated, the filter will not be aware of this, so the filter will rotate as well. Imagine as drop-shadow effect.
  • Screen - This was the default mode before version 1.8.0 was released. In this mode the filter is rendered to the Graphic after it is transformed into screne-space. This means that any changes or animations to the transform (or it's parents) will cause the filter to re-render which can become expensive. It has the advantage that it is possible to do some screen-aware options, such as clamping the filter to the edges of the screen, or extending an edge to the edge of the screen (for example in the Frame Filter component)

A summary of the differences:

Adjusting transform causes filter re-renderNo (unless Canvas has per-pixel mode enabled)Yes