
Doom Melt Filter (beta) Component

Component Screenshot


This component applies a filter to the Unity UI component to create an effect similar to the melting screen transition effect in the game DOOM.


Component Screenshot

Property                            Type    Range    DefaultDescription
    Random SeedInt[-1..512]-1Setting this to -1 will just use the random seed based on time, allowing it to be random every time it is enabled. Other seed values allow the melting effect to be deterministic.
    Column WidthInt[1..32]4The number of pixels that create a column that moves together.
    Step SizeInt[1..32]8The minimum vertical step size between columns.
    TimeFloat[-1..1]0.0Controls the animation of the effect.
    StrengthFloat[0..1]1.0Strength of the effect.


To use this BETA component with you first need to enable support for Beta features:

  1. Go to the Edit > Project Preferences window and open the UIFX options, enabled Beta Features and press the Apply Changes button.

  2. Wait for the scripts to reload
  3. Close the Preferences window


Add this component to any GameObject that contains a UI Graphic component (eg Text, Image, RawImage, etc).

Usage with TextMeshPro

To use this filter effect with TextMeshPro use the Filter Stack (TextMeshPro) component.